Are you a Spanish speaking non American who wants American Citizenship? Well, I've got a FOOLPROOF plan for fast-tracking you on the path and it's ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! Just claim you're CUBAN.
Under current US Policy, Cuban refugees who reach dry land are allowed to stay and those still in water are generally sent back. It's called the "Wet Foot Dry Foot Policy".
Below is some background info of why this is from:
"The 1966 Cuban Adjustment Act is an antiquated cold war federal immigration law that gives only Cuban refugees leaving Cuba preferential treatment by their ethnicity which is not supposed to be permitted under the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Civil Rights Act. It permits Cuban refugees to leave Cuba and enter the U.S. illegally and if they stay one year and one day, are then permitted to remain in the U.S. and apply for citizenship and receive it in two years while all other ethnic groups must enter the U.S. legally and receive citizenship in five to ten years!" (Source
Sorry Mexico, Honduras, Ecuador, and all other Central, South American and Spanish Speaking Countries of the world. We know most of you're countries are an F-ing Mess ,but this policy only applies to people escaping an oppressive, abusive, communist regime Run by Fidel Castro not an oppressive, abusive, regime run by anyone else. I guess this is why we keep the Haitians out. Besides their official language is Creole.
Why waste your time with the traditional immigration process? If I was an illegal from Mexico, Honduras, etc., I'd head to Florida with a make shift raft, float out a few feet into the water, then paddle back in and declare I'm a Cuban Refugee. Can't make it to Florida. Do it on the Texas Coast. I'm sure it will work as well. Just study some basic Cuban culture and history, work on your Cuban accent and adamantly oppose Castro.
How hard could this be to pull off? I bet your Cuban accent doesn't even have to be that good for this to work. Rent "SCARFACE" with Al Pacino if you need practice. How many immigration officials can tell the difference between accents anyhow? I'm also pretty certain this process is also faster than one of you Spanish ladies having to marry some Greasy Gringo through a mail order Bride Service for citizenship.
Man, I don't care if your from Estonia. If you know some Spanish, this plan works for you as well.
I know a Chinese girl who's been here for years and spent thousands for lawyers just to get a Green Card. She should have just learned Spanish and claimed she was Cuban. Hell, she's even married to an American now and I think she still doesn't have American Citizenship.
Yeah, I'm just joking around ,but this plan is definitely plausible. So, you better get on the Band Wagon or like they say in Spanish "El Bandwagon'o" before it's too late because I wouldn't be surprised if the government shuts down this blog.
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