Immigration Issue SCREWS National Guard
That's right The National Guard is no longer the last niche of absolutely do nothing Military Service. For years the Guard, was a convenient way to get out of doing real Military Service for lots of people(like President Bush), but now you've actually got to do something(unlike Bush). Due to the current Immigration Crisis, National Guard Soldiers now have to work the borders building stuff, and helping the Border Patrol.
Gone are the days of National Guard personnel just hanging around Airports and Bus Stations all day. It seems to me every time I've been at the airport or bus station there's some military person there with a Duffel Bag doing nothing. Yeah, they're all on there way home. I don't think so. I'm pretty sure when you joined the Guard this was just another thing they'd get you to do to kill time at least that's what my sources tell me.
I mean, How the hell are you suppose get free money for college and shirk your responsibilities at the same time now? I don't know ,but maybe the Coast Guard still has Slacker positions. I don't think the Coast Guard is even under a real military department. I think they're under the Transportation Department. I just did some research on the Coast Guard. They were under the Transportation Department until 2003 when they were brought under the Department of Homeland Security. DAMN IT! THERE ARE NO JACK OFF MILITARY GIGS LEFT!!!
Finally, I'm not necessarily against a wall being put up on the US Southern Borders. What I'm afraid of is, what happens if this country turns into a 3rd World Country or there's some kind of apocalypse like those Mad Max Movies? Then, I'm going to have to climb or pole vault the son of bitch to get hell out of here and there's a damn good chance this could happen.
Yeah, I know. There's always Canada, but I live in Texas and I rather just run to Mexico like people did in "The Day After Tomorrow" with Dennis Quaid & Jake Gyllenhaal.
Oh wait a minute. Forget everything I've said. The National Guard stopped being a piece of cake when they started sending them to Iraq. Sorry, somehow I forgot all about that.
Talk to you later. Take Care!
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