Super MORONS Say Superman Un-American
It's a BIRD, It's a Plane, It's a Korean Taepo Dong (Type of Dildo Missile) crashing into the Japanese Ocean! Who's in charge of their defense? Dr. Evil? It's been a hell of a 4th of July. I even heard Bush thought that all the fireworks today were an al-Qaeda attack.
Well, another real Un-American story is that guys like Sean Hannity are saying the latest Superman movie is Un-American because it has dropped the American Way from Superman's slogan. Hannity made these comments on Friday's edition of Hannity and Colmes. I saw the movie and Hannity couldn't be more wrong and I'm betting Super Moron (Hannity) hadn't even seen the movie at the time of his comments.
First of all, Superman has never been American. He's from KRYPTON! YOU FESTERING DOLT!!! Second, Superman doesn't just save Americans. He saves people worldwide. He's an international hero. Third, it's an marketing ploy to make the movie more acceptable to everyone throughout the world. Fourth, I wouldn't be surprised if the American way statement was just added to Superman lore as a Propaganda tool to fight the Nazi's or Communists.
I think dropping the American way part of Superman's slogan is more American because it shows tolerance and open mindedness to other ideas.
Hannity also said this Superman movie doesn't represent the America he lives in. Well, he must be in the Bazarro Superman Universe because the movie has already made over 106 Million Dollars. The America I live in is definitely going to see the movie. Hey Sean, what kind of Kryptonite turns you into a non critical thinking neocon? IdiotKryte.
I think Hannity just decided to hate Superman because of the other controversy saying Superman is gay. I don't agree that Superman is gay. He's definitely Metro Sexual ,but he's not gay. The new movie proves this. Then, there's the Christ comparisons in the movie with Superman. Will the comparisons ever end.
Sean, if they come out with a Captain America movie and they change his name to Captain UN and he's incapable of stopping genocide, then I'll be on your side. Besides, you better not get Alan "Clark Kent" Colmes too riled up and make him take his glasses off.
Yo Dan it's your old friend Rudy Bosquez (Slaker) I've been trying to get it touch with you...Contact me
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 13, 2011 1:17:00 PM
What's your phone number? How am I going to get in touch with you without any contact info? YOU JABRONI!
The Total Man Package, at Saturday, July 16, 2011 12:59:00 AM
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